The Government submitted a draft for 'The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020' to come in to action on 1st June 2020.
This has been in debate and received consultations from professionals for a number of years. The aim is to update legislation with regards electrical safety in privately rented properties.
This will put responsibility on private landlords and help ensure that the electrical installation is safe. This will also give grounds for enforcement for non-compliant landlords and can be used as a solid base for electrical safety in rental properties.
What’s changing?
The draft, if passed will be enforced on 1st of June 2020.
Any new tenancies will have to comply with the regulations from the launch date. Existing tenancies have until the 1st of April 2021 to comply with the regulations.
The regulations give landlords a clear line of responsibility by enforcing them to follow specific electrical safety standards by complying with the 18th Edition of BS 7671.
Landlord responsibilities are:
The installation must be tested by a qualified electrician every 5 years minimum.
A copy of the report must be given to each tenant within 28 days of the inspection.
If a local housing authority requests a copy of the report, it must be supplied within 7 days
Supply a copy of the report to the person carrying out the next inspection
They must also supply a copy to any new tenant before the tenant occupies the premises
Remedial works must be rectified within 21 days. Any urgent remedial works must be rectified in 7 days of notice from electrician. Failure to do so can result a penalties and fine.
Click here for a link to the Legislation.gov website page with the Draft Statutory Instruments 2020 no. Housing England - The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020