In this blog, we'll investigate the difference between a halogen and LED light bulb. The halogen bulb, also known as either a quart or a tungsten bulb, is an advanced form of an incandescent lamp. The filament is composed of tungsten and located in a gas filled bulb, like a standard tungsten. However, gas in a halogen bulb is at a higher pressure.
The glass bulb itself, referred to by the electrical trade as a lamp, is made of fused quartz, high-silica glass or aluminosilicate. You will find this bulb is stronger than those made of regular glass in order to contain the high amount of pressure inside. This lamp has been the industry’s standard for work lights and for film/television lighting due to its compact size and high lumen output, making it very bright.
Halogen bulbs are rapidly being replaced by the white LED array lamps, miniature HID and fluorescent lamps, which are often referred to as cheaper to run and safer, due to less heat being produced. LED's require significantly less power to operate than halogen lights. Halogen light bulbs average about 1500-2000 hours of use, whereas LED lights often range from 30,000 to 50,000 hours. LED's require significantly less energy than a halogen to produce the same or even higher quality illumination.

Yes, LED light bulbs are as bright as halogen. Not only that, but an LED bulb will produce the same amount of light as a halogen bulb, whilst using 85% less power, so you can replace a 50 Watt halogen bulb with a 7.5 Watt LED.

Disadvantages to LED
LED's are currently more expensive (price per lumen) on an initial capital cost basis, than most conventional lighting technologies. However this initial capital investment is often made back many time over due to less electricity usage and the fact that the LED will last much longer than its halogen competitor.
Temperature dependence: LED performance largely depends on the ambient temperature of the operating environment – or "thermal management" properties. Simply put, the cooler the operating environment, the brighter the appearance of the light. This can be a factor in some installations.
Hopefully this short blog has been of interest and perhaps you may have learned something about the difference between halogen and LED!